Smart AS Solutions

Watering / Irrigation

Watering is necessary if you want a beautiful garden, lush flowers and a healthy, green lawn. Pierre provides the necessary amounts of water to all plants, exactly on time.
Pierre can also help large growers of flowers and vegetables, owners of greenhouses and agricultural land. Full automation guarantees optimal and economical watering, in an eco-friendly way.

Irrigation automation

Timers are usually used for irrigation, which start the watering process at a certain time.
Pierre performs irrigation in an intelligent way and provides the following advantages:

  • The Pierre controller also takes care of the garden, you don't need to spend money on a new device.
  • There is no complicated programming, everything can be set up in a few seconds in the Pierre application.
  • You can set routine actions based on time, daily or weekly, just as your plants require.
  • Pierre registers the weather. If it is raining, rainfall is forecast or the soil moisture is adequate, they will not water unnecessarily.
  • There is no need to take care of an additional system.

Pierre in agriculture

Due to droughts, which have become characteristic for summer periods, irrigation of agricultural lands is gaining more and more importance. The territory and the number of crops that require watering are constantly increasing. Agriculture is changing, and precise irrigation techniques are becoming necessary. 

Pierre offers a wide range of solutions for agriculture.
To highlight just a few:

  • time-based adjustments;
  • decision-making based on soil moisture and weather sensors;
  • precise dosing of nutrients;
  • remote control;
  • complex adjustment of the irrigation of large orchards, gardens and fields.

Watering / Irrigation

Precise irrigation

If you want to water the plants with a certain amount of water, Pierre will help you.

Saving water

Pierre monitors the weather and humidity of the soil and thus minimizes water consumption. It represents an economical and ecological solution.

Automatic watering

Tajna prelijepog travnjaka je zalivanje u pravo vrijeme i pravom količinom vode. Pierre cijele godine obezbjeđuje odgovarajuće navodnjavanje i skida ti jednu obavezu sa spiska.

Soil moisture sensor

By monitoring soil moisture sensor data, Pierre can modify existing settings and stop watering if the soil is sufficiently moist.

Adapting to the weather

Pierre can adjust to the weather and start or pause watering as needed.

Agricultural areas

Through its irrigation system, Pierre enables the rationalization of the complete irrigation of larger agricultural areas, gardens, orchards and warm beds.

Remote control

You can control each zone and each automatic setting from a distance, via a mobile phone.

Watering the lawn

It is widely known that lawns are best watered in the early morning hours. Pierre guarantees the optimal amount of water, with adequate frequency.

Drip irrigation

Management and adjustment of multi-zone drip irrigation systems is also possible using the app, in a quick and very easy way.

Fountain management

The Pierre system also enables the management of fountains on public areas or in hotels.

Humidity sensor and Pierre

One of the advantages of Pierre's smart irrigation system is the soil moisture sensor, which makes it possible to avoid unnecessary water consumption.
Imagine the following situation: you go on vacation and set up a watering system, but in the meantime colder weather arrives and it rains for a week. A smart irrigation system measures soil moisture, does not waste water unnecessarily and protects plants from excessive watering. The same applies to the opposite situation - if the system registers a drought, it will additionally water the plants.
Pierre uses only as much water as is really necessary, and you can be proud of your green lawn, the most beautiful in the neighborhood!

Fountains and waterfalls

When we talk about a watering system, the first association we have is gardens and lawns.
However, Pierre also offers countless other possibilities. It can manage ponds and small waterfalls in the yard, but it is also adequate for managing larger fountains in hotels or in public areas.

Ovi multifunkcionalni sistemi mogu da se integrišu u Pierre kontroler, a na taj način ćeš moći da kreiraš automatska podešavanja. Na primjer, fontana može da prestane sa radom u toku noći, ukoliko nije potrebno da radi 24 sata.
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